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Tamim Ahmed
Faruk Shuvo
Shorif magi
قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم كل معروف صدقة،والدال على اخلري كفاعله من دعا إىل هدى كان له من األجر مثل أجور من تبعه ال ينقص ذلك من أجورهم شيئا (البخارى ومسلم) . (املائدة) وَتَعاوَنواعَلَى الب ِوَالتَّقوى ۖوَال تَعاوَنواعَلَى اإل ث وَالعُدوان (مسلم). hadith
A daʿif hadith is a hadith in which theconsidered conditions of soundness and fairness are completely or partially absent and whose narrator(s) have been criticized due to an anomaly (shudhudh), disclaim (nakarah), or impairing defect (ʿillah). According to this understanding, the categories of daʿif hadith are numerous and are abundant both independently and compounded [due to the presence and absence of the conditions of soundness].. hadith
A daʿif hadith is a hadith in which theconsidered conditions of soundness and fairness are completely or partially absent and whose narrator(s) have been criticized due to an anomaly (shudhudh), disclaim (nakarah), or impairing defect (ʿillah). According to this understanding, the categories of daʿif hadith are numerous and are abundant both independently and compounded [due to the presence and absence of the conditions of soundness].. hadith
A daʿif hadith is a hadith in which theconsidered conditions of soundness and fairness are completely or partially absent and whose narrator(s) have been criticized due to an anomaly (shudhudh), disclaim (nakarah), or impairing defect (ʿillah). According to this understanding, the categories of daʿif hadith are numerous and are abundant both independently and compounded [due to the presence and absence of the conditions of soundness].. hadith
وجييبون ِب َن اعْت بَار تعدد الطِرق ف احلْسن لَْيسَ وَحَْيثُ حكم ابجتماع احلْسن والغرابة فَالْمُرَاد ب ه قسم آخرعلى اإلْ طْالَ ق بل ف قسم مْنهبذلك إ ىلَ اخْ ت الَ ف الطِرق ِب َن جَاءَ ف بعض الطِرق غَر يبا وَف ب َعْضهَا حسنا وَقَالَ بَعضهم إ نَّه أَشَارَيشك ويِتدد ف أَنه غَر يب أَو حسن لعدم مَعْرفَته جزما وَقيل الْوَاو ِبَعْىن أَو ِب َنَّهُ وَقيل املُرَاد ابحلْسن هَهُنَا لَْيسَ مَعْنَاهُ االصطالحي بل اللِغَو يِ ِبَعْىن مَا مي يل إ لَْيه الطَّْبع وَهَذَا القَوْل بعيد جدا.. hadith
The varying levels of the Sahih and Hasan hadith, both in-itself and through corroboration, are in accordance with the varying levels and ranks in the perfection of the qualities taken into consideration in understanding [the Sahih and Hasan hadith] while obviously comprising the fundamental characteristics of being Sahih and Hasan... hadith
প্রতিকুলতাকে ভয় পাওয়া যুদ্ধে নামার আগেই পরাজয় বরণ করা". siraj